This half term our topic is ‘The Wider Community’. Each week we will look at different parts of a community and what makes a community from the people to the shops. We will also look at how everyone’s community is different depending on the location that people live in.

Our community visit’s this term will be on a Thursday, and we will be visiting a range of different locations. For example, we will be visiting Banstead library enjoying the interactive sensory table. With the weather getting warmer we will be starting to enjoy outdoor trips to locations such as Box Hill and Headley Heath. We will also visit buildings of different religions to learn about different faiths.

We will be continuing with our physical activities this term and will be playing tennis on a Monday and going swimming on a Tuesday. We will be playing tennis at the Ebbisham Sports Centre and swimming at Dorking Leisure Centre. Please send your young person in with the needed items.

Our Science focus for this half term is Physics. Over the next few weeks we will be looking into being safe around electricity and what not to do. We will be working with pliable materials to see if we are able to change the shape of the material using the force from our hands. We will be carrying out an experiment to see how much rain water we can collect in a set amount of time.

In our Jigsaw PSHE sessions this half term we will focus on the new topic ‘Relationships’ where we will be looking at our relationships with people and what is needed to have a positive relationship.

Our ICT focus this half term is the Twinkl scheme of work modelling ‘SketchUp’. Within this unit the children will extend their drawing skills to create 3D models whilst learning to use the software.

If there is any other information you would like me to provide you with or if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Gavin and the Team










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