This half term Peacock’s topic is ‘Healthy Me’ where we will be focusing on the different ways we can stay healthy and have healthier routines! The children will be bringing in their own ‘personal care’ bags at the beginning of the term and we will be hoping to use those items each morning during a session in the bathrooms next to the classroom. In the first week we will be focusing on healthy foods, discussing those we already know about as well as some we didn’t realise were good for us. We will also be touching on different nutrients that help animals to live and grow.

Additionally, we will be commencing cycling sessions on Thursday mornings this term, which I know the children enjoy and it will give them an opportune time to exercise their bodies. We are also going to continue our community visits on Tuesday afternoons to venture to places in the community which relate to our topic of “Healthy Me” such as supermarkets, garden centres and a restaurant! Then in the second week, we will start learning about different types of healthy routines such as brushing our teeth and going for regular walks as part of an exercise regime, and we will be talking about the reasons why this is so important.

In the third week, we will be looking at starting healthy and balanced diets and what this would entail. The children will be using the learning they would have been taught about in week one and two to carry this work out. We will also be discussing the impact of staying healthy and having unhealthy habits in their routine throughout the third and fourth weeks. We will also be thinking about ways in which we can change our unhealthy lifestyles in the fifth week. Moreover, in the sixth and final week of term, we will be using our learning from the past five weeks to think of some highlights of the topic as well as looking at and discussing our (hopefully) more healthy lifestyles.

With regards to Peacock’s community visits his half term, we will be aiming to visit LIDL supermarket, Box Hill Nature Trail, Pizza Express Dorking, ASDA and Priory Farm.

In our maths lessons, Peacock Class will be focussing on capacity and measuring different amounts, writing numerals as words, using scales to measure the weight of objects and recording data in tables and block diagrams. In English sessions some children are continuing with 1:1 reading sessions as well as aiming to better their writing through using adjectives, tricky words and continuing to use their Phonics knowledge and skills to identify CVC and CVCC words, blending sounds together to read sentences. Additionally, other children will be focusing on phonemes and graphemes, taking part in discussions, using PECs to make decisions and choices as well as working alongside peers to develop emotional skills. The class will also be reading “Oliver’s Vegetables” as part of our healthy food topic in English lessons.

For PE this term, Peacock Class will start taking part in sessions based around gymnastics, and more specifically shapes and shaping of movement where they will be using their already quite capable movement skills to build up to a gymnastics performance in week 6. Some children will also be continuing with their yoga sessions that are always very exciting with Jamie from Cosmic Kids!

Our topic for PSHE this term is “Relationships” and in week 1 we will have a Primary assembly where we will be discussing the topic. For Science sessions, Peacock Class will be continuing our focus on Biology, carrying out lessons which include looking at animals and their bones, blood and other features which allow them to live in their habitats as well as observing others making notes and comparing them with peers.

The class will be making a variety of different creative pieces of work based around the topic of “Healthy Me” including paper plates of healthy food and potato/vegetable printing.

Lastly, the class will be cooking different foods in cooking sessions with Izzy on a Wednesday, including some vegetable and fruit-based delicacies which link to our topic of “Healthy Me”!

Alex and the Team



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